1. "Thou shalt be thrifty"

There's nothing wrong with being thrifty, but there's a fine line between being 'thrifty' and being 'cheap'. If your 'thriftiness' is painfully obvious to the entire planet, you've crossed that line. Dial it back a few...

2. "Thou shalt not break the bank to look good, but thou must pay good dough for the accessories; ie: handbags and shoes."

If you chintz out on these items, it'll be obvious to all.

3. We're all guilty of breaking this commandment; "Thou shalt live within thy means." Simply put, don't mortgage your house for that fab pair of Louboutins. Sure they're gorgeous, but are they really worth the sleepless nights that are sure to follow? I discovered a couple of wicked wardrobe swapping websites, that let us trade clothing with other women, for free! Click here to head over to Swapstyle, and Here to visit What's Mine is Yours.

4. "Thou shalt stay away from pantyhose in the summertime...ick." Unless your skin happens to be one of those 'eggshell' shades of white, pantyhose should be avoided at all costs. Especially with sandals...don't you dare. In dire emergencies, go with the spray tan.

5. This one should probably be the first commandment, and is a full-on-no-brainer, but better late than never.

When your friend wears something that you absolutely adore, "THOU SHALT NOT run out and buy the same outfit/item, or any variation of it", especially if the two of you are close. Your friend won't say it, but I'm telling you that she's not happy schlepping around town in the same outfit as you.

6. "Thou shalt not fall victim to every fashion trend coming and going." Not every trend suits every one. Stay true to your style, and you'll never be labelled "Fashion Victim".

7. "Thou shalt be true to thy size." Very few things are more unattractive than a size 10 woman in a pair of size 6 pants. Wear your size...be proud of it...Own it!

8. "Thou shalt dress in a way that is comfortable." We women go through all kinds of pain in the name of 'fashion', but a night out in brand new 4" heels will quickly make us rethink that.

. This one
's a biggie; "Thou shalt NOT let movie and TV characters determine thy sense of fashion." Okay girls...you know who you are. Some of you "Sex and the City" fans let Ms. Bradshaw determine how you were going to dress for the show's entire six seasons....Stop that! Find your style...love it...OWN IT!!!

10. And last but definitely not least; "Thou shalt NOT carry a handbag that is bigger or heavier than you are." I'm totally guilty of this one, and I know a lot of other women who are. The bigger the bag, the more 'stuff' I'll cram into it. By midday, I'm feeling it in my shoulders and my back. I need to put my handbag on a diet. And so do you.

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